Will You Survive Retirement
Remember the blockbuster disaster film Deep Impact from the summer of 1998? A large comet is discovered far out in space on an eventual...

Habits of the Rich, But Not So Famous
Think back to the year 1984. Big hair was in, disco was out, and a little television show called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous hit...

Questions The Financial Diva Would Ask When Hiring A Financial Advisor
"May I have a copy of your ADV?" You only want an advisor that is an Independent Investment Advisor Representative with an Independent...

Easy Button
In order to appropriately plan for your financial road map and set realistic goals, you must first know where you are starting from. We enco

3 Times When You'll Be Begging For Help
Many times, our clients at ChappelWood Financial Services have told us, “It's a good thing you were there” or “You're worth your wei